2200W High cost an amplifier project if you want to go ahead kck87 our friend minding 2200w amp circuit Proteus ares with PCBs have drawn 56 IRFP250 Mosfets used supply voltage is too high... Electronics Projects, High Power 2200W Amplifier Circuit "audio amplifier circuits, transistor amplifier, "

2200W High cost an amplifier project if you want to go ahead kck87 our friend minding 2200w amp circuit Proteus ares with PCBs have drawn 56 IRFP250 Mosfets used supply voltage is too high (+-150V) Be careful circuit now has not been tested. 2200W amplifier circuit drawing extension’s source has pcb ares proteus ..

High Power 2200W Amplifier Circuit proteus ares PCB file: high-power-2200w-amplifier-circuit.RAR

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